Yiwutide // Yiwustria (Norwegian title
Temporary art installation at Oslo Central Station - 1.dec 2016 - 1.feb 2017
Rom for kunst - produced by Kulturbyrået Mesén
Generative light animations: Reidun Solvik. Robot programming: James Fox

The name of the installation is inspired by Yiwu, the Chinese town where 600 factories churn out more than 60% of all Christmas decorations in the world.

In Norway we have bought our way out of most Christmas traditions. One tradition remains: Shopping.

The size of the triangles represents the increasing amount spent on Christmas shopping in Norway over the last 30 years. All amounts are in Norwegian kroner (mrd. = billions).

The light animations develop from day to day to reflect the building up of Christmas spirit (and of Christmas stress) during the weeks of Advent.
